Since childhood, I’ve stubbornly never let a trend dictate my taste - which often meant mismatching socks and unique thrifting finds for the middle school girls to make fun of.  Today, this same dedication to originality now extends to my wonderful clients, because each one has distinct preferences and experiences and deserve more than a “one style fits all” approach.

Armed with over 12 years of Brand Identity work in advertising, I leverage this distinct expertise within the interior design industry to curate spaces that instill happiness for my clients, crafting homes as unique as the people who inhabit them.

Guest instructor at The Academy of Home Staging & Design

My Story.

The house I grew up in was unmistakably eclectic in a way I’ve never seen elsewhere—a fact that greatly influenced my fierce dedication to originality and operating outside of the conventional interior design styles. The decor of our small coastal home meant an abundance of surfboards & palm fronds, bright Caribbean wall colors, and avoiding any “trend” that would take away from my parent’s absolute self-expression. Does this style make sense for everyone? Far from it. Did it make us extremely happy? Absolutely.